The Day The Oven Fell Sick

I would roast. I would bake. I would broil. I would braise. Everything that could be prepared in the oven, I would prepare until the faithful appliance went kaput from overwork and exhaustion.

That was an infamous day in September.

I had three drumsticks marinating in the refrigerator for over 24 hours. If I didn’t turn them into a meal soon, they too, would’ve gone bad.

With the oven on the fritz, what choice did I have, but to turn to the stovetop for help? How can you cook drumsticks in a pot, though? Fortunately, I’m a culinary critical thinker. Making a curry was the only way out of a corner.

Happily enough, it all worked out wonderfully. I had converted a challenge into a savory opportunity.

One thought on “The Day The Oven Fell Sick”

  1. “A culinary critical thinker” is an unique coinage to describe that part of your cognitive ability that thinks of food in context of the surrounding situation, of competing obligations you bear, to the food you have to prepare lest it gets spoilt, to your family who have to be fed, and to the appliances with which you cook raw food into highly palatable meals.


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